
Paris and Upcoming Adventures

{Bastille Day fireworks by night}

Bonjour from Paris! This is now my second week here and I am loving it. Saturday the 14th marked Bastille Day, and I was so happy to be in this city to celebrate it. When the sun sets, the celebration at night begins. Together, the large spinning disco ball hung from inside the Eiffel Tower, the luminous explosions in the sky in every color, the music for all to enjoy and the light show made for an incredibly fun experience! 

This is my last week in Paris and I am lucky to share with you all that next week my travels will take me to Tuscany, Italy where I will work and live at a winery for one month! The winery is located in the Tuscan hills of Lucca, very close to the town of Pisa. Everything there is organic and biodynamic, both very appealing farming approaches to me. They even make olive oil from their olive orchard... and honey too! I hope to learn more about their sustainable practices, both in the vineyard, farm, and in the winery. (More updates on that to come soon!)

Below are just a few pics I've snapped in Paris with my iPhone. Enjoy!! xx

 {Freshly-cut flowers}
 {Cobblestone street, Rue des Barres with St-Gervais Church on the left
 {Le Place de Vosges, a beautiful park right next to our apartment!}
{Luxembourg Garden}

Sending everyone hugs and kisses from Paris! 
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  1. Your appreciation of the classic charm and style of Paris really comes through in your writing and pictures. Makes me want to jump on a plane. Thanks!

  2. Love your photos! Have always wanted to be in Paris for Bastille Day...am obsessed with fireworks!

  3. You look like you totally belong there in the pic on Rue des Barres. Wow.


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