
Making Bubbles - A wine, lifestyle, and travel blog 

Italian physicist Galileo Galilei once said, "Wine is sunlight, held together by water." Wine ultimately embodies these connections: the connection between the earth and the sky, the connection between you and me to the rest of the world, the connection between wine and art.  I think wine is a beautiful thing, and I value every aspect of it.

I am a recent Viticulture & Enology B.S. graduate from  the University of California, Davis.  I love to travel and am fortunate to have explored many different parts of the world. The summer after my Freshman year at college I had the incredible opportunity to study abroad in France, learning about winemaking and acquiring sensory analysis skills of wine.  I had the most amazing experience living and studying in Burgundy, while visiting and familiarizing myself with French varietals.  In fact, it was this trip to France that shaped and confirmed my dream to pursue winemaking at UC Davis. 
[Clos de Vougeot - Burgundy, France]

It just so happened that I was already enrolled in one of the best schools in the country for enology and viticulture,  so I began shaping and laying down the educational foundation for learning the science of wine at UC Davis, while working at the campus pilot winery as a lab assistant.  While in college, I worked a sparkling wine harvest in Napa Valley, and now I am finishing up a harvest in Alexander Valley, Sonoma. 

This blog first began as a way for me to share with family and friends my  adventures in Napa Valley  working as an intern at a Sparkling winery - making bubbles. It has since evolved into a place where I share wine and related adventures connected with it that make me happy.

I wish to continue to grow, learn, discover, and create. These are the things that fuel my passion to push myself forward. 

Thanks for taking time to view my blog. I hope you enjoy!



FTC: All items used (ie, wine) were purchased by me. I am not being paid for for this blog nor for any of my winery reviews, and I am not affiliated with any of these companies. (read: I speak from the heart and am being completely honest with the things I like!)

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