
New Zealand Bound!!

I am thrilled to announce that I will be travelling to New Zealand. I have accepted an amazing offer from Church Road Winery for the 2013 Harvest. I plan to live and work in Napier, a coastal city in the Hawkes Bay region, which is on the North Island. Of course I am beyond STOKED for this trip but, more importantly, I see it as a valuable experience in my life and career. The world of winemaking is a community that is large yet interconnected. I have discovered that in order to make great wine, we must learn from others.

I am indebted to the winemakers for whom I have worked for their guidance, patience and generous sharing of knowledge, wisdom and insight. My experiences have allowed me to develop confidence to cultivate my own ideas about winemaking and I plan on exchanging the knowledge I have accumulated thus far in Burgundy, Tuscany, Napa and Sonoma.

And of course, I will go there with the intent of having a good time. Like these guys (from Flight of the Conchords - AKA best show ever):

"New Zealand, Better Than Old Zealand"


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2012 Vintage: Crazy, Bountiful, Remarkable... And news with Seven Colonial

(Source: everybodyhasbeauty)

Hi, Hello everyone! I know, I know, it literally seems like FOREVER since I last posted something on the blog.  I have quite a few things to share with you all about harvest and the latest happenings, but I first wanted to share some exciting news!

I recently teamed up with new design company and online sales website Seven Colonial as their viticulturist.  I am stoked.  I'll be contributing monthly posts and if you ever have any wine-related questions that keep you up at night, I'm your girl. :) They also have some pretty cool things to re-vamp your house to make it feel more like a chic home so be sure to check out their products.  And check out my very first contribution to the site here.

Also, Harvest in Sonoma this 2012 vintage at Jordan was incredible. With such an abundance of high-quality and textbook-perfect grapes, our winemaker said this is the best harvest he's ever seen! With the entire harvest itself only three to four weeks, if I could describe it in three words I'd say: crazy, bountiful, and remarkable. Seriously I feel so fortunate to have worked with what I would say is arguably the best team I have ever worked with before.

More to come,
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Newly Employed

I have nothing but positive things to say about my new job in Sonoma. (yay!) And in case you were wondering,  I haven't yet received permission to blog about my work-related adventures at the winery but I can say that my experience thus far it has been great...I love it! I feel extremely lucky to work in such a positive and stimulating work environment that encourages a good challenge nearly everyday.

One of the most valuable pieces of advice I've received before working here was to show up at work eager to learn something new every day.  
I find that this advice forces me to arrive at work each day and to think of questions to ask, or even to discover new concepts - all to fill my daily quota of learning at least one new thing. And I think it becomes kind of fun, actually, to see if I can fill that quota. Plus, who doesn't like a new employee who is genuinely eager to learn as much as possible? It's a win-win. :)

I'm curious if any of my lovely readers out there have ever received great advice that you have held on to... I'd love to hear your two cents!


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A Look at Some Italian Highlights

So after a very adventurous summer, I have safely returned to the United States!
From France to Italy (and even fitting in a trip to the Czech Republic and Germany), I can admit it was truly an unforgettable summer.
I feel enriched with more knowledge and experience in Italian wines and Biodynamic practices, and I am grateful for that. However what I really feel were invaluable were the friendships and the many learning experiences made at Valgiano.  I have also returned with a greater understanding of Tuscan gastronomy and its integral role in Italian culture. Their great food and wine seemed to create happiness that brought them together.  Legend winemaker Robert Mondavi even reminds us, "If you go back to the Greeks and Romans, they talk about all three - wine, food, and art - as a way of enhancing life."

Below, a look at some highlights from my time spent living/working in Tuscany at Tenuta di Valgiano.

{Happy faces of the people of Valgiano after a delicious lunch + wine :)}
{View from the winery's villa during sunset. Gorgeous.}
{Pointing out a road sign of the small Tuscan town of Valgiano}
{Enjoying a locally-made dinner in the middle of the estate's wheat field}
{In the foreground- freshly harvested wheat field. Right- the winery estate. Background- breathtaking view of the city of Lucca}
{Some of the best pasta I've had..like, ever. Served with fresh buffalo mozzarella = heaven}
{Full moon over the Tuscan hills}
{The estate also has 4 little pigs, specifically known as "La Cinta"}

All great things must come to an end but here's to new adventures! I can nearly believe it but I begin my first day of work at Jordan Winery in Sonoma this Monday.
I have many more photos from my summer in Europe and will be sharing soon!

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Tuscan Dreaming

Ciao from Tuscany! Apologies for hardly any blog updates - I feel like there's so much to share and update I almost feel overwhelmed! It's great over here so far. Yesterday marked week three at the winery here in Lucca. It's been quite the experience here...let's just say my usual phrase is "please, somebody pinch me- I must be dreaming!"

I feel so lucky to be here and never did I imagine my adventures post-graduation to be this great.
Thank you again for all of your kind words and support!

More updates to come, but until then, some iPhone photos of the winery and the Tuscan countryside:
{A look inside the cellar- French oak barrels}

{A Tuscan cutie}

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Paris and Upcoming Adventures

{Bastille Day fireworks by night}

Bonjour from Paris! This is now my second week here and I am loving it. Saturday the 14th marked Bastille Day, and I was so happy to be in this city to celebrate it. When the sun sets, the celebration at night begins. Together, the large spinning disco ball hung from inside the Eiffel Tower, the luminous explosions in the sky in every color, the music for all to enjoy and the light show made for an incredibly fun experience! 

This is my last week in Paris and I am lucky to share with you all that next week my travels will take me to Tuscany, Italy where I will work and live at a winery for one month! The winery is located in the Tuscan hills of Lucca, very close to the town of Pisa. Everything there is organic and biodynamic, both very appealing farming approaches to me. They even make olive oil from their olive orchard... and honey too! I hope to learn more about their sustainable practices, both in the vineyard, farm, and in the winery. (More updates on that to come soon!)

Below are just a few pics I've snapped in Paris with my iPhone. Enjoy!! xx

 {Freshly-cut flowers}
 {Cobblestone street, Rue des Barres with St-Gervais Church on the left
 {Le Place de Vosges, a beautiful park right next to our apartment!}
{Luxembourg Garden}

Sending everyone hugs and kisses from Paris! 
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Paris Bound

I'm on my way to Paris and I can't wait! I'll be spending the next couple of weeks in the city of lights with my best friend and her sister. Paris has got to be one of my favorite cities - I've been there several times before with family but this will be my first time experiencing it on my own. If anyone has some must-see places I should hear about, I would love suggestions, be it restaurants, museums, or favorite spots of the city.
Hopefully wifi will be plenty so that more bubbly updates may occur here on the blog!


image via 1
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Graduation!! UC Davis -- Class of 2012

{No worries, just me and a cute cow chillin together on graduation day}

I still can't believe I'm saying this but I am now officially a graduate of UC Davis! June 17th marked the day of my commencement ceremony on campus. And it was so good to see my wonderful family and friends who came to support me on the big day. (Thank you again Mom, Dad, Max, John, and Leon for coming!) 

To Davis, I want to say that the past four years have been truly amazing. This place has really shaped my path and helped me to achieve my goals, some of which I had once never anticipated. I was able to study abroad, find (and pursue) my passion, create long-lasting friendships -- and to somehow survive Genetics! 
I vividly remember orientation  the summer before my first year of school.  At that point, I knew I had a good feeling for the charming college town. Everyone was super friendly and supportive. I entered without having actually declared a major, but with my love for sciences I thought it appropriate to explore subjects within Agricultural and Environmental sciences. Maybe I'd switch to Biology and consider Pre-Med, or avoid Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry and just become Man-Econ major. I was even in a class that had me take a Myers-Briggs test that suggested I go into occupational therapy. 
Looking back at where I was and how far I've come these past four years still continues to amaze me. I am now an alum of UC Davis, with a B.S. in Viticulture & Enology. Never did I think Freshman year I'd be saying four years later that I would receive an offer to work at one of the most elite wineries in the United States, on my way to pursue my dream of winemaking. 

Davis, you've been good to me. I'm so glad I chose to study there. I already miss you. But who knows, I might be back to earn a Masters! 

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