
Things to be Bubbly About :)

{Remembering to actually stop and smell the roses}

Despite two midterms (one of which that had a average score of 45%), quizzes and assignments, I'd like to think that the good parts of this week outweigh the lows.
I received my official offer letter for Jordan in the mail just yesterday.  I also found out my official start date for my seasonal employment there - not until August 27th! The news made it really sink in for me and the thought became very real! But I'm very excited and of course will be continuing with this blog (as long as the winery permits) to keep all you posted on my new adventures! Oh, and Randall Graham of Bonny Doon Vineyards (I did a review of his rosé here) came to speak in my wine seminar class this week. It was great - he has a lot of really interesting things to say (more on that in a later post). So, yeah - overall a good week, I'd say.  It is always important to remember that there are many things to be bubbly about. :)
Other highlights:

{A pretty leaf-pattern on my latte makes studying a bit more bearable}

{Top: Beer for our Iron Brew competition in Brew lab. Bottom: My awesome beer-brewing team!}

Have a fabulous weekend. What are you bubbly about?


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  1. A couple killer midterms, brewing beer, smelling roses, getting a job confirmation letter from an awesome winery, drinking fancy coffee, a visit from Mr Bonny Doon...whew! I would need a vacation. Keep on bloggin' Love it!

  2. A large flat white sounds so good right now as it's a bit chilly here in Oz.
    Just wondering what you are going to do with all that beer? Should I be worried?


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