
Bubbly Updates

{Life lately according to my iPhone photos}

Last weekend I flew down to San Diego for my brother's commencement ceremony. I couldn't be happier to see my entire family there and I am so proud of my awesome brother. Watch out world, we have a recent graduate!! 
Below are some snapshots from my iphone. Most of them are through filtered lenses and special effects. I guess you can say I got a little carried away with the fun and quirky Hipstamatic App. ;)

{Some post-bubbly celebration -- '99 Perrier Jouet + matching stemware (I'll review this soon!)}

{The recent grad + my beautiful mom}

{Sibling love}

{My dad + me :)}

Hope you had a fantastic weekend! xx


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1 comment:

  1. You are next, Cookie! More bubbly coming your way soon!!


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