
New Years Resolution: Drink Better Wine

"Fine wine can—and indeed will—expand your world. It broadens and deepens the reach of your senses. It can help soften the rough edges of daily life and even remind you that beauty exists in moments when it seems least likely to penetrate your daily life." --Matt Kramer

Matt Kramer, in his article (here) from Wine Spectator,  encourages wine consumers to branch out, giving good wines a chance.  Pitching in a little more mulah for the wine reaps great benefits, too.  Wine is something to look forward to at the end of a busy week, enabling us to actually use our senses to taste and explore different places of the world--for each wine has a story to tell.
 That being said, for 2012 I will continue to share wines that I especially enjoy on this blog through my "tasting notes" posts.

{Sometimes when I drink wine I imagine all of the steps involved in the process of making it, even including the people that worked to produce the final product. How about you?}

Wine related or not, what are your resolutions for the New Year?
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  1. Perhaps I'm just a hopeless romantic, but sometimes when I'm enjoying a particularly special wine, I like to imagine the soil from where the vines were growing.

  2. I love that you're following your dream to make wine! I have two wine-related goals on my "30 Before Thirty" list: http://petesspeaks.blogspot.com/2011/10/30-before-thirty.html

  3. Thank you Erika, I'll have to check out your list! )


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