
From Bubbles to Books

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The 2011 Sparkling Harvest is complete! I have left beautiful Napa and have returned to Davis to begin my last year as an undergrad.  I am sad that the sparkling harvest season is already over, but interning at Domaine Chandon was an amazing learning experience for me. PLUS, I still have more photos and stories to share--so the blog continues! :)

Below is a clip I took while observing a vineyard in Napa. I noticed that the workers in the vineyard had been dropping crop, or selectively picking certain clusters from the vines, while strategically leaving others still on the vine before harvest. The video answers why removing grape clusters can actually serve to favor the health and quality of the fruit. Because in the end, the main goal is to yield high-quality grapes for a high-quality wine. See more here:

Sparking Harvest is complete but the Still-wine Harvest is right around the corner! Have you ever been in Napa during Harvest? 


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