
Sierra Nevada Trip

I love field trips, the ones that involve beer compliments of the brewery--don't you? Those are the best kinds of field trips. :)

{Beer samples + last couple slices of pizza}

I was lucky enough to visit the brew house in Chico as a part my Brew and Malting Science class at UCD. (A very cool class, by the way) It was a great way to apply a practical learning experience to our textbook. I was truly impressed by the brewery and its huge size - I had only been to Stone Brewery, a smaller scale craft brewery in San Diego prior to my visit at Sierra Nevada.
I'd say if you're in Chico it's defientely worth the visit. My advice? Begin with a beer sampler - it includes 4 beers of your choice for only $3. Then order your favorite! I was absoultely diggin their Persimmon Farmhouse Ale and their Ovila...mmmh!

{A lovely afternoon outside with friends}


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1 comment:

  1. Gee wiz....college field trips sure did not exist like that when I attended school! Then again, I don't think we had beer brewing classes either.
    Sounds like the perfect college field trip.


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