
Strawberry and Fig Galette

With fig season coming to a close end, the fig tree in my backyard was bountiful with fresh, ripe fruit.  The sweet, almost candy-like figs from the tree are good enough to eat on their own but with so many of them, I decided to incorporate them in a baking project. Using this recipe here, which actually is titled "Nectarine & Blackberry Galette," I decided to improvise, using the fresh figs from our backyard and strawberries I picked up at the farmer's market. Fresh, fruity and sweet; this recipe yielded some delicious results.

[Strawberry Fig Galette + Mimosas = great food-wine pairing] ;)

Happy Weekend!

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  1. Oh I love delicious fruit and pastry creations! Figs and strawberries sound great. Maybe a scoop of ice cream on top, too. Thanks.

  2. Ryan "Senor" MendozaNovember 6, 2011 at 7:34 PM

    Um I believe it is called a "tart." But it was still super tasty. Like ultra tasty to the max. Superpowers tasty. Beyond this world tasty. Like on Pluto. Yea, that tasty. I got sentenced to a mental correction facility after eating this. Because my mind was literally blown. Literally. Like physically blown. Its a new phenomenon called "OMG TOO TASTY" mind explosion syndrome. I was the first case. After I ate this. Woah.

  3. hahaha to the max! Thank you, I'll have to experiment with some other baking projects soon!


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