
$15 or $150 Wine? Leave That to the Experts, Study Says

A new study shows that most of us can't taste the nuances of expensive wines.  This report from NPR is worth a read.
And if you have access to the American Journal of Viticulture and Enology (UCD students can access this site for free,  yay!), you can read the actual journal about the study, titled "Wine Expertise Predicts Taste Phenotype" seen here.

Makes you wonder as a winemaker who the target audience is: do you want to blow away Robert Parker, or are you fine selling wines that generally most people would enjoy for a good price? Definitely something to consider!

Do you think that you can tell your wines apart? Or does the $15 bottle suit your taste just fine? I'm no certified sommelier, but I'd like to think I can tell the difference (with the sensoral experience that I do have). And based on my own experience, I can admit I have expensive taste ;)
What about you?

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