
Tasting Wine (And Looking Like a Pro)--Part I

 A wine tasting can be a bit intimidating at first but with careful thought and with the help of this how-to, a tasting experience can be very rewarding. In this two-part series, I will reveal the secrets to tasting wine—and looking good at it. ;)

THE BASICS: (the five S's)

Look for color and clarity. Tilt the wineglass upright. As you look into the wine, take note of its color.  Is it translucent, opaque, dull, cloudy or clear? Can you see sediment?  Also take note of its viscosity as you swirl: is it thin or thick? 

Give it a good swirl. Swirling actually helps vaporize some of the wine's alcohol ,releasing more of its natural aromas.

Go ahead, stick your nose in the glass. Take note of the 'nose' of the wine; its bouquet or aroma.  What characters do you pick up?
This wine wheel may help lead you to the most well-matched aromas for your wine.  (Feel free to print it out and use it at your next tasting!)
{Wine wheel by Professor Ann Noble}
Start with a small sip and let it roll around your mouth.

Really-savor it. Allowing the wine to roll around in the mouth allows for an optimal evaluation, since the the heat released by our bodies liberates the aromatics of the wine. It's even said that it is the mouth where the most complex taste experience of wine occurs.

Remember the 5 S's: see, swirl, smell, sip, savor.

P.S. You don't need a how-to guide in order to enjoy wine. (Only to look good while doing it-haha!) Do what you wish, it's all for fun!

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  1. That aroma wheel rocks! I'll be sure to use it at my next tasting...ahhh.
    Looking forward to part II of the series, Cookie!!

  2. Aroma wheel = instant cred

    I've heard of some unsophisticated tasters wearing it around their neck trying to look like a sommelier.


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