
Washington State Wines Made by a Rock Star

Charles Smith of K Vitners makes some great wines. A UC Davis alumnus of the Viticulture & Enology Program and former rock star, Smith ended up settling down in Washington state where he founded his very own K Vitners Winery.  

The other weekend I got together with a small group of V&E friends for another blind tasting.  (I wrote about another blind tasting here). The theme this time was 'Washington and Oregon' wines.  And interestingly enough, out of all the wines from those two states, myself and two others each ended up bringing wines that Charles Smith produced! Smith and his marketing team must be doing something right because his wines really appealed to us twenty-something college students. This week I'd like to focus on his "Kung Fu Girl" Riesling because I really thought it was something special: 

2010 Charles Smith Wines "Kung Fu Girl" Riesling - Columbia Valley

Review Date: 5/28/12
Brooke's Review: Loved it's fruit-forward flavors with just the right amount of sweetness on the palate and a bit of granny smith apple-like acidity perhaps.  Well-balanced and could see this pairing nicely with an array of foods.
Brooke's Rating: B+
Pair With: Spicy Thai or Asian Fusion

90pts, Wine Spectator:

"Vivid, distinctive and immensely appealing for its juicy Winesap apple, apricot and citrus flavors, finishing with zing to balance the sweetness."

What do you think? Do you have any Washington state wines you'd recommend me? 


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1 comment:

  1. Robert -in Seattle will have some good recommendations re: Washington State vino. In the meantime, I will be on the hunt for
    KungFu Girl Riesling!


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